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Grand Theft Auto: The Love Story

Author: Cynthia Taz
Rating: PG-13 (language, violence)
Disclaimer: All characters, sites and such from 'Buffy, The Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel' belong to Joss Whedon, UPN, WB, and et al. All characters, sites and such from 'Grand Theft Auto' series belongs to Rockstar Games and Rockstar North. No copyright infringement intended. All new characters and storylines belong to the author (Yah me!). This story is not sell or for any profit.

Willow wondered if it was karma at work.

Storming back into her office, the redhead threw herself onto the leather coach, feeling the cool tears roaming down her heated cheek.

It was karma.

Willow did not feel shame to be a cold-hearted bitch. It was her ruthless that made her a place in Yakuza, the holy ground that no woman was supposed to step foot in.

But she felt fear today, and she was ashamed of herself.

Sure, she was loyal to the Kasen family and the Yakuza. It wasn't even a question. But no matter what happened she could never feel the fear...

The fear that she did not understand until her mother's death, the fear that she did not think she would experience again after her lover's death.

It must be karma.

Karma wanted her to suffer... by giving her feelings... feeling for the blond Mafia.

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