Author: Tarawhipped
Notes: 1. Set during "The 'I' in Team"... Willow comes to a realization.
2. Thanks to Carleen, Queen of the Fic Challenge. Sorry it took so long!

Willow walked slowly back to campus, her feet leading her away from the Bronze in a much trodden, automatic path. As slowly as she walked, her mind was racing, and though this was not unusual, the object of her consternation was.

It's no big, she tried to tell herself. It's just cause I was the only one there without anyone...darn fifth wheel, spare tire like person. God forbid Anya should let the umbilical cord stretch far enough for Xander to go out on his own, but why did Buffy have to bring Riley? He's not part of the club. And why did Buffy just assume that because I could have brought someone that it's automatically a guy? Like I can't have other friends.

Willow smiled and hugged her arms around her middle, feeling a warm glow suffuse her body at the thought of Tara. The smile faded as the thought of their last meeting played through her head again.

I upset her. She looked so hurt. But the Doll's Eye amazing...Goddess, how could she even think of parting with it so casually, unless...

Willow came to a stop, her brow furrowing. A horde of vampires could have performed a musical number from West Side Story right in front of her and she wouldn't have noticed. A 6.3 level earthquake could strike and she would have felt nothing. The Hellmouth itself could open up beneath her and Willow Rosenberg wouldn't have batted an eye.

It wasn't casually. The Doll's Eye crystal is so special...and she wanted to give it to she must think I'm...

Willow resumed walking, still lost her thoughts, almost unaware that her feet were carrying her not to her own dorm but to Tara's.

But why hasn't she said anything? We've spent hours all the times I've talked about Oz-, Willow smacked herself in the forehead. Oh right, like she's just gonna say 'hey, I know you're pining over your dumb ex-boyfriend, but I just want you to know that I like like you, like you.' Of course she wouldn't say that...she's shy...shy, sweet, considerate, easy-to-talk-to, always-there-for-me, amazing, make-my-tummy-flutter-with-a-smile Tara. Oh my God.

Willow stopped and looked up blankly at the building in front of her. Well, what do you know...Tara's dorm. It's late...and I should probably not..., the redhead walked a few steps away. But I'm right here, and it's not that late. And I should really apologize for making her feel bad earlier, and explain...and that's always better to do in person than in a phone call...'specially since it means I can see her.

Willow sighed and closed her eyes, the image of the blonde forming in her brain like a perfect vision...Tara's eyes...her smile...that little crinkle she gets in her forehead when I make her laugh...her lips...

The sound of her own hand knocking on the familiar door startled Willow into reality, and a wave of doubt crashed over her. What if she's sleeping...or I'm wrong...or...


The redhead sucked in a deep breath and smiled sheepishly.

"A funny thing happened with my prior social engagement. Pretty much ended when a friend of mine went off to do something with another crowd she hangs out with. Irony is kind of ironic that way. Anyway, I know it's late, but I-I thought maybe...I mean, if you still wanted to do something?"

Tara smiled widely and stepped aside, closing the door after Willow.

"Actually, Tara...I was thinking maybe we could go out...get some coffee?"

"Oh! Um...sure. Whatever you want to do is fine with me."

Willow flushed at the unintentional innuendo and grinned as the blonde scampered to her desk and grabbed her wallet and keys. She's excited. Happy to see me and excited!

The girls walked side by side across campus in a not entirely comfortable silence, stealing equally curious glances at each other. They arrived at the Espresso Pump and after insisting on paying for their mochas, Willow led Tara to a cozy table away from the few other late night patrons. Both sat quietly for several long moments, staring into their coffee cups.

"Willow? Is s-something wrong?"

The redhead jerked her head up at the sound of Tara's hesitant, painfully small voice. The blonde's eyes remained focused on the table, her brow creased.

Those aren't cute little 'I made her laugh' lines...those are worry lines...GAH! I'm doing it again!

"You know you can tell me....w-whatever it is," she trailed off, letting her hair fall around her face.

Willow could see the girl closing herself off, preparing herself for the worst, and her heart ached at the sight. She reached across the table, gently prying Tara's fingers from around her cup and entwining them with her own. The blonde looked up, startled.

"Give me your hand."

"Willow?" she breathed.

"Make room for me to lead and follow you beyond this rage of poetry. Let others have the privacy of touching words and love of loss of love. For me...give me your hand."

Tears welled in pools of blue but Willow smiled, recognizing them for what they were, and her own heart soared in response.

"Maya Angelou...m-my favorite."

"I know," Willow grinned. "I know that your favorite color is forest green, but you hardly ever wear it cause it's prettiest in nature. I know that every Christmas you watch It's a Wonderful Life and cry when Harry makes his toast, even though you know it's coming. I know that as much as you like Spring cause it's all about the rebirth of nature, your favorite season is Fall cause everything is crisp and you love the smell of wood smoke and curling up in front of a fire with a book and a mug of cocoa. And...and I know that in the last few weeks, you've made me happier than I ever thought I could be."

"Will," Tara choked out, the tears flowing freely down her beaming face as she gripped Willow's hands tightly. Laughter burst forth from her throat, and Willow's breath caught at the sound.

"And I guess I didn't realize until tonight, but now that I is okay, right?"

"It's very okay," the blonde nodded emphatically, squeezing Willow's hands again before reluctantly letting go to wipe the tears from her face. "So then...this is...a date?"

"Uh huh," Willow melted at the sight of Tara's mouth curling into a lopsided grin. "I guess I should have told you that before I brought you here...I just didn't want to be presumptuous."

"Right, cause when you presume you make a 'pres' out of 'u' and 'me,'" Tara laughed, rolling her eyes a moment later and biting her lip in chagrin. Willow only smiled wider, however.

"Will! What are you doing here?"

The redhead turned to find Buffy looking at her curiously, while Riley stood a few yards away, shifting on his feet and looking repeatedly at his watch.

"Buffy! Oh, you know me...can't go without the mocha-y goodness. Nothing new or different or out of the ordinary there...nope."

The Slayer raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you should switch to decaf, Will. You seem kinda jumpy."

"Ha ha! Yeah! Decaf!"

Buffy looked back and forth between the two girls. "Hi, I'm Buffy."

"Tara," the blonde mumbled with a slight smile.

"Willow's Wicca group buddy?" the Slayer asked, receiving matching nods in return. "So you're who the Willster here has been studying with...hey! Maybe you know who this mysterious guy is she's interested in!"

Tara's head flew up to see a mortified expression on the redhead's face. Willow shook her head quickly.

"Buffy, I told you...there is no guy," she said, her eyes darting to Tara as she emphasized the last word.

"Okay, okay," the Slayer conceded, holding up her hands. "I just worry about you is all. Maybe you're not ready to start dating again, but jeez're wound so tight really need to get laid."

Tara blushed and bit her lower lip, while Willow sat perfectly still, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly.

"Speaking of which," Buffy nodded her head toward Riley. "I'll see you tomorrow?" The redhead squeaked in reply. "Nice meeting you, Tara!" the Slayer called out over her shoulder as she and Riley dragged each other out of the café.

Willow blinked and shook her head, looking over to see Tara's shoulders quivering.

"Oh, Tara...I'm so sorry...please don't cry."

The blonde raised damp eyes to Willow's, and laughter erupted from her in loud guffaws. A moment later the redhead joined her, tears spilling over reddened cheeks as they fought to control themselves, descending into giggles repeatedly at the perplexed looks of the other patrons.

" stomach hurts," Tara wheezed.

"I haven't laughed so hard in...forever," Willow replied as she breathed deeply. "You're amazing." Tara looked lovingly at her, and Willow gave silent thanks to whatever had prompted her to seek out Tara that night. "Can I...come back to your place? Maybe we can talk some private?"

The blonde stood up at once, extending her arm toward her love.

"Give me your hand."

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