Author: SallyMcFine
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters and am not profiting from this story. No copyright infringement is intended.
Note: The web-board sections of this chapter parody (affectionately) The Kitten, the Witches and the Bad Wardrobe board, which is the source of all the web-board-type graphics, except the avatars which were just Googled. Needless to say, none of the web-board buttons here are meant to work. -Chris Cook
Willow entered the Espresso Pump and waved to Buffy and Xander, who were already seated at a booth by the window. She motioned that she was going to order lunch at the counter before joining them.
"Hey Will," Buffy greeted her as she slid into the booth next to Xander. "Are you late for any particular reason? Like, perhaps chatting online with a certain fan fiction author?"
Willow blushed as she unwrapped her sandwich. "Maybe," she replied, and tried to avoid providing more details by taking a big bite.
"So are you two going to actually meet up, in person, at the convention?" asked Xander. "This is like the culmination of about three solid months of chatting, isn't it?"
Willow nodded in response, her mouth still full.
"Are you nervous?" Buffy asked. "I mean, you don't really know anything about her, right? Like not even her name or where she lives? She could be some old guy named Malcolm for all you know."
Willow made a face. "Don't remind me of that." She shook her head wryly. "Anyway, this is different. I feel this amazing connection with her and we talk about all kinds of stuff and she's so interesting and surprises me all the time with the things she knows about, and did I tell you she's into Wicca..." she stopped as she noticed Buffy's 'not again' expression. "Okay, I know I've told you both about her a million times before."
"And you are going to meet her face to face, anyway. So if she's not who she seems to be, at least you'll know," Xander pointed out
Buffy laughed. "I'm excited for you, Will, really I am. Hey, did Giles give you any grief about taking Friday off?"
Willow shook her head. "Nope. I'm pretty far along in implementing the new card cataloguing database system, so he's happy. The project is about three weeks ahead of schedule as it is. You?"
"All systems are go for a Buffy absence from the dojo on Friday. William agreed to teach my class for me and I'll fill in for him some other time. The joy of summer vacations!"
"And the good citizens of Sunnydale will have to manage to survive this weekend without me delivering hot 'n spicy goodness to their door," Xander chimed in.
Buffy gave him an arch look. "When did you become a singing telegram stripper?"
"Not yet, unfortunately. It's still just hot 'n spicy pizzas."
Buffy snorted, and continued "So anyway, do you guys want to have a slumber party Thursday night at my house? Mom said it was okay."
"Sounds good," Xander said. "Anything to get out of the house when Drunk and Drunker decide that 2am is the perfect time too have a live re-enactment of the roller derby."
Willow smiled sympathetically at him. "Absent and Absenter aren't much better," she commiserated. "Let's talk about something happy - like what kinds of chocolate we're going to bring!"
The rest of the conversation turned to what snacks and CDs they should pack for the road trip.
In the back of Willow's mind, she thought There's no way she's a guy pretending to be a girl, or some spaz. I feel like I've known her forever.
Moderator Queen

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Post subject: New Thread: UberCon 2005 |

okay guys, this is the thread where you can talk about the upcoming convention. What's on-topic here is pretty much anything convention-related: the workshops, panel discussions, uber fics that you're working on for the con, get-togethers, the dance, ride-sharing, and of course, what you're going to wear. No bumping the thread just to bump it. We have over 400 people registered for UberCon, which is totally way cool, and about 75 are from this board.
And remember, every evening in the Sunset Lounge we're going to have The Warrior, the Bard, and the Bad Wardrobe fanfic readings, hosted by me. The only requirement is that your fic has to be uber and try to keep it under 5,000 words. That means either short stories or just reading a few chapters. All readings will be in the lounge. Friday it's at 9pm right after the opening plenary, Saturday we'll have an abbreviated session at 7pm because of the dance that night, and Sunday will be at 7pm after the closing plenary.
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God of War

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Post subject: Re: New Thread: UberCon 2005 |

yay, the con is almost here! And clearly cordy forgot to say thanks to the board's tech guy for adding a new thread, so I'll say thanks for her. Thank you, me!
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Post subject: Who wants to gimme a ride? |

can't wait for the con. Can anyone give a gal a ride from the bay area? I'll help pay for gas AND promise not to seduce your girlfriend.
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Post subject: Re: New Thread: UberCon 2005 |

I just want to give props to my gal cordy for co-chairing this con!
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Dirty Deity

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Post subject: Orgasms! |

second the props. i've been writing a new fic for the fanfic readings. I won't give away too much but you can rest assured there will be plenty of orgasms.
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Post subject: Re: Orgasms! |

Yay, a new fic from the board's favorite smut puppy! I've been working on a new one too.
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Post subject: Oh god not again |

please tell me this isn't one where joxer hooks up with every woman in sight like all your other fics
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Dirty Deity

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Post subject: Re: Oh god not again |

hey, lay off. I don't see you doing anything on this board except criticizing other people and attesting to your own sexual prowess - something we never see anyone on this board corroborating, by the way
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Post subject: Re: Oh god not again |

yeah, what she said.
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Post subject: Re: Oh god not again |

if anyone wrote decent callisto fic i'd be all over it. besides, someone has to be a critic
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Dirty Deity

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Post subject: Re: Oh god not again |

usually to be a critic you have to have some qualifications other than being a loudmouth
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Moderator Queen

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Post subject: Guys! |

okay people, either cut it out or take it to chat. You're off topic.
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God of War

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Post subject: Uberhunks |

anyway, to bring this back on topic, I'm working on a new fiction for the Friday night fanfic reading. It's Ares/Autolycus slash set in the Castro circa 1940 and they're the founders of the Mattachine Society and the bear movement
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Blessed Be

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Post subject: UberCon fics |

i'm excited for the con also. i'm working on a new fic and i hope it will be finished in time
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Warrior Princess

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Post subject: Re: New Thread: UberCon 2005 |

we are leaving on Friday morning and will probably get there right before the first panel discussion if traffic isn't too bad, hopefully it will only take two hours. Too bad Lucy Lawless couldn't make it to this con - I wanted to talk to her about her martial arts training
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Post subject: Re: New Thread: UberCon 2005 |

uhhh I think I read somewhere that she doesn't do any martial arts training. To keep this on topic - I can't wait for the autograph signing on Saturday! It's so cool that Alex Tydings agreed to come, cordy_princess.
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Moderator Queen

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Post subject: It's all about who you know |

yeah, my dad's business partner knows her agent, so he was able to pull some strings. She definitely has the best hair on the show and I love those shoes. And the pink dresses she wears are just divine.
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Post subject: Re: See-through dresses |

definitely agree with you there
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Post subject: Bouncy! |

yum cleavage
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Dirty Deity

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Post subject: Re: Bouncy! |

speaking of cleavage, don't forget about my workshop on Saturday! It's during Workshop Session 2, Saturday at 2pm
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Post subject: I can't help asking |

anyone bringing a laptop to the con?
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God of War

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Post subject: Re: I can't help asking |

unfortunately the hotel won't be wireless-enabled for another 3 months and the cable modem rental is $9.99 a day so take that into consideration. I'll be bringing mine though in case there is a board emergency.
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Blessed Be

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Post subject: Re: I can't help asking |

i share a desktop computer, so no laptop for me
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Warrior Princess

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Post subject: Excited! |

I'm all woo-hoo with the can't wait!!!
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God of War

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Post subject: Re: Excited! |

me too girlfriend!
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Tara opened drawers and removed a few shirts and some underwear. An open suitcase lay on the bed half-filled with various articles of clothing and toiletries. She refolded the shirts and stacked them carefully in the suitcase. Next she selected a small candle with a lid from the assortment on top of her bookshelf. She checked the clamp on the candle's lid to make sure it would stay closed and nestled it among the clothing.
Anya entered the room without knocking, carrying a plastic bag. "Tara, you're going to have to pack sexier underwear than that if you want to seduce your little online paramour." She reached into Tara's suitcase and began inventorying the undergarments.
The friendship between the two roommates was an unlikely one to most who knew them both. Tara's extreme shyness and Anya's outspoken sexuality didn't seem to be a recipe for getting along, much less a close relationship. Randomly assigned to room together their freshman year of college, a friendship sprung up between them as they discovered their mutual love of Xena: Warrior Princess. Over time, a deeper friendship developed.
Anya never made fun of Tara's occasional stutter, as some others had in the past, and Tara never judged Anya's freewheeling approach to her love life. Anya in turn never criticized Tara's introverted ways, other than to make sure Tara came out in public occasionally to socialize. And though sometimes the things that Anya could say in public were slightly embarrassing, Tara also appreciated them - she felt like she had an entrée into a world she wouldn't have otherwise. Likewise, Anya seemed to deeply appreciate the emotional depth that Tara brought to the friendship.
Tara blushed but also smiled. "I'm not planning on seducing her, Anya," she protested. "We're just going to meet and talk."
Anya waved away Tara's comments and continued to rummage through the suitcase. "White cotton panties, blue cotton panties, pink cotton panties, and boxer shorts! This is all wrong, wrong, wrong. Don't you have any silky string bikinis? Maybe a nice thong and a see-through teddy?"
"For gosh sakes! I don't own any thongs at all."
"Crotchless panties with stockings?" Anya crossed the room to pillage Tara's underwear drawer. She tossed out pair after endless pair of cotton panties. "This will never do."
She produced a outfit from the plastic bag. "As your roommate I consider it my sacred duty to make sure that you are prepared for whatever orgasm-inducing situations you might find yourself in at this convention. That's why I bought you this."
'This' was a short blue satin skirt with matching lace bra and panties.
Tara blushed. "Anya, you are too much. No one at this convention is even going to see my underwear. And I've never worn anything like that in my life."
"You just haven't had a reason yet to wear it," Anya breezily replied. "But now you've got a nifty little online sex kitten at your beck and call who is very enamored of your work and who you spend at least an hour a day chatting and doing god knows what else with online on my computer."
Tara shook her head. "She's not a sex kitten. We don't do anything except talk."
Anya replied "Of course you don't, because the computer is in the living room. Oh stop that blushing," she ordered Tara, whose face was bright red. "You know I'm just teasing you."
Tara threw her hands up in surrender and began gathering up the cotton panties that were strewn all over the room. "If I agree to bring that blue thing, will you stay out of my underwear drawer?"
Anya laughed. "Of course. And believe it or not, I didn't come in here just to harass you about your lingerie, or lack thereofb. My accounting class is cancelled for Friday so we can leave in the morning for the drive up to the convention."
"A pretty rigorous summer schedule you have there - this is the third time it's been cancelled, isn't it?"
"Yes, but I'm doing enough independent work that I don't feel it will adversely affect my ability to amass great wealth. And speaking of independent work, I need to go polish up the handouts for my workshop. So anyway - we'll leave at 10:00 a.m. sharp?"
"Yep!" replied Tara. "I'll be ready."
Anya arched her eyebrows. "Clearly, since you're almost done packing and it's only Tuesday. Now don't accidentally forget to pack that sexy underwear or there will be consequences."
"Consider it packed," said Tara in mock surrender.
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Post subject: New Poll: UberCon '05 Dance RESULTS |

Q: UberCon will have a dance Saturday night. Do you think it should be costume-optional, or no costumes?
I'm wearing a costume right now!: |
83% (62 votes) |
I'd sooner get bitten by a Bacchae than wear a costume: |
13% (10 votes) |
Don't care: |
4% (3 votes) |
the results of the poll are in, so on behalf of the UberCon '05 host committee, we invite you to bring your costumes for the Saturday night dance!
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