Return to Survivor - Ash Island Chapter Two

Survivor - Ash Island

Author: JustSkipIt
Rating: PG
Feedback: Please leave feedback on the Survivor - Ash Island thread on the Kitten Board.
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters nor do I own Survivor. And believe it or not, I also don't own any small islands. On the other hand, this island is fictional so let's say I own it. I'm making no money from this fiction and intend no copyright infringement.
Notes: I think I need to explain the show a little better for those who don’t watch it. The Survivors are on their Island or whatever location there is for 39 days (those who leave earlier are of course there shorter) but 39 days is the max. At the end of that 39 days, there are 2 finalists and 7 "jurors" - the last 7 people eliminated from the game - vote on which of them wins the $1,000,000 (the other wins $100,000). Then they all go home and to their lives. Time goes by...
CBS begins to broadcast the show weekly in 16 (sometimes 17) weekly episodes. Notice that the 16 episodes take much longer than 39 days to air. In the mean time, the contestants are in their normal lives. The contestant who is voted off on Thursday night does Morning shows and stuff like that Friday morning. At the end of the 16 weeks, there is a 2 hour special that goes from final 4 players to final 2, shows the voting and reveals the winner. Then there is usually a 1 hour interview show with all the players.
Given the format, I am going to intersperse scenes from Willow & Tara's lives which are timed as the shows are airing. I hope that makes sense.

Tara set down the last bag of groceries just as she heard the answering machine shutting off. "Ok, honey," she said, "how about veggie burgers, fries, and broccoli for dinner?"

"That sounds good, Mama," Ariel answered her mother as she began pulling items from the grocery bags.

"Do you have homework, baby?"

"I did it all at Grandma's house," she told her mother as Tara quickly started their dinner.

"Do you want to watch a video while I make dinner?" Tara asked.

"Beauty and the Beast," the little blonde answered with a smile. After starting the video for her daughter, Tara finished putting away the groceries and continued making dinner while glancing at the clock.

The phone ringing again interrupted the sound of Beauty's singing and Tara quickly answered it.

"Hey," the man on the other end of the phone greeted her.

"Hi, Kent," Tara answered.

"Is Ariel busy?"

"She's watching a video," Tara told him, "are you still going to pick her up at school tomorrow?"

"If that's ok, babe," Kent answered.

"Sure," Tara answered, "why don't you stop by the office during the day for her bag?"

"K," he agreed.

"Ariel," Tara called, "your daddy is on the phone." The little girl jumped up talk to her father for a few minutes before handing the phone back.

"What do you need to do before dinner?" Tara asked the girl as she took the phone.

"Wash my hands," Ariel answered before turning off the TV and running down the hall.

"So the big debut is tonight?" Kent asked.

"Y-yeah," Tara answered, her stutter giving away her nervousness.

"You already did the hard part, Tara," he attempted to assure her, "I'm sure you will look great."

"Thanks, Kent," Tara answered.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me how you did, how long you lasted?" Kent asked.

"Dinner's ready so I need to go but I'll see you tomorrow," Tara laughingly told the man.

"Break a leg, Tara," he said as he hung up.

Tara set the plates on the table as Ariel was coming into the room. After the girl had said a blessing, they both began eating. "Can we watch your TV show tonight, Mama?" Ariel asked.

Tara had been somewhat concerned about this and had been really thinking about it. She had talked to her mother as well with Kent extensively in the past few weeks. "Do you want to?"

"Yes, Mama," Ariel answered excitedly.

"Then we will watch it together," Tara told her. "It's kind of a grown-up show so we should talk about it ok?"

"Yea," Ariel clapped her hands in typical 6 year-old fashion. They finished eating and Tara helped Ariel take her bath. As the girl was getting into her pajamas, Tara went to play the messages.

"Hi Tara, um, it's Willow - from the island you know? I mean of course from the island. It's not like there are that many people named Willow around. Not that my parents invented the name but last year it was ranked 530th for American female names according to the Social Security Administration so you probably know that it's Willow from the show- I guess, my point. Um. Anyway, I got your phone from the show producers which I hope you don't mind. And I was just calling to check in with you before the first show airs and" The sound of the machine's beep cut her off.

Tara waited a second before the next message started: "Well that was just a little rude, of your machine, not you. I should talk faster. I'm um going to be in your area for business next weekend and wondered if you wanted to get together for coffee or something? Dinner? Movie? No not a movie cause no talking but you know. I guess movie if you want. Ok, before your machine beeps me again, my cell number is 212-444-1234. You can call me before midnight tonight or any night or whenever you want." The final line was whispered almost too quietly for the blonde to hear: "I've missed you."

Tara finished copying the phone number onto her note pad and then replayed both messages listening with an amused smile and ensuring that she had copied the number correctly before erasing them. "Mama, the show is about to start," Ariel called from the doorway before running back into the living room.

"Ariel," Tara admonished playfully, "do we run in the house?"

"No, Mama," the girl answered as she handed her mother the remote. The show started with the shots of the players hanging on a boat before the credits rolled. Ariel cheered when she saw her mother's picture on the screen. They watched the rest of the episode with enough conversation that Tara felt very grateful that she was also taping it. Ariel had the type of questions to be expected from a six year old child: "Why does that man talk like he's a school teacher?" of Wesley.

Later it was, "Are those women your friends?"

"Yes, sweetie," Tara explained, "Faith and Kendra are both my friends."

"Did you help them make their fire?" the girl naturally wanted to know.

"Yes," Tara explained with a grin, "I helped them."

"I think the one with the funny voice is your friend because she called here. I remember her voice," Ariel said.

Tara smiled as she said that yes, Faith had called and she was from Boston. Later Ariel wanted to know why the other people were talking about her mommy. Tara explained that the red-haired girl had mentioned thinking she was nice and one of them said her name.

"Do you think she's nice?" Ariel asked.

"Yes, baby," Tara answered, "I think she's very nice." When the show ended, they went to Ariel's room where Tara read the girl a bedtime story before answering a few more questions about the show and assuring the girl that she would be on next week.

"I missed you when you were gone, Mama," the girl told her.

"I missed you too, baby girl," Tara assured her before tucking her in and pulling the door closed.

Breathing a sigh of relief that the episode had gone as well as it had, the blonde returned to the living room to turn off the TV and VCR. She poured herself a small glass of wine before going into her bedroom, closing the door, and changing into sweatpants and a tank top. After seven rings and just as she was thinking of hanging up, Willow answered the phone very breathlessly. "Don't hang up," the redhead gasped.

"Are you ok?" Tara asked.

"I'm better now that you're on the phone rather than my mother, sister, or three dozen other friends who felt the need to call me during the show," Willow explained.

"I taped it if you w-want to borrow it," Tara offered.

"Thanks," Willow quickly said, "but I downloaded it."

"You can do that?" Tara asked.

"Oh yeah," Willow assured her, "it's easy. Hey you called me back!"

"D-d-did you think I wouldn't?" Tara asked.

"I've missed you," Willow again repeated.

"I missed you too, Willow," Tara agreed before changing the subject. "What did you think of the s-show?"

"It seemed amazing to me," the redhead quickly said. "I mean it's been months and seems like a lifetime ago. I had forgotten what we all looked like and what Wesley was like."

"Yeah," Tara agreed, "it's hard to remember a time when I didn't know everyone. And you didn't even have fire."

Willow laughed, "You looked beautiful out there. The hot blonde with the sarong wrapped around your waist and your gorgeous hair in the sunlight."

Tara giggled a little bit. "You flirt," she accused, "you set your sights on me after that first challenge."

"Did it work?" Willow teased back.

"Are you coming to take me to coffee?" Tara asked without answering Willow's question.

"I can't wait," Willow answered. "I could come early and we could watch the next episode?"

"Um... how about Saturday instead?" Tara suggested.

"Is Kent taking Ariel next weekend?" Willow asked before following her question with another barrage: "Did Ariel watch the episode? What did she think? Can I meet her?"

"This is his w-weekend with her so I'll have her next weekend," Tara answered. "She was fascinated and had a lot of questions but I think she liked it." She took a breath before explaining, "It was hard on her when I was g-gone and she's still getting used to my being h-home. I don't want to throw anything else n-new at her right now." She waited a second during which Willow didn't respond before continuing: "Do you get it?"

"Tara," Willow answered, "I totally understand. She's your daughter and you have to make good decisions for her."

Tara smiled that Willow understood her reluctance to introduce the redhead to her daughter so quickly. "What k...," she started to say but was interrupted as she yawned widely. "I'm sorry, Willow," she apologized for her yawn.

"No," Willow said, "you should get some sleep. I know you get up early."

"What about you?" Tara asked.

"Oh, you know, some friends want to go out so we can capitalize on my celebrity status with all the single women in Atlanta," Willow joked.

"Only the single ones?" Tara teased back.

Willow laughed: "So I'll see you next week?"

"Not to m-mention on countless commercials," Tara answered.

"Sleep well, sweetie," Willow wished the blonde.

"Enjoy your night, Will," Tara wished her before hanging up the phone.

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